There is a powerful solution to climate change: the radical reforestation of our planet
We wholeheartedly support Treesisters in their amazing ability to use the leadership of women to build communities of trees and people.
Join a global network rising as a force of Nature, on behalf of nature, on our journey towards planting a billion trees. Trees restore life in so many ways and tropical reforestation is one of our best solutions to climate change – providing up to 50% of the solution over the next crucial years. Yet humanity is currently planting only half of what we cut globally. That’s why we’re inviting you to help us plant a billion trees a year and restore our global forest. Our vision is of 2 million treesisters standing together like a forest, making this dream a reality.

TreeSisters is a global network of women and men who donate monthly to fund the restoration of our tropical forests as a collective expression of planetary care. Our goal is to make it as normal for everyone to give back to Nature as it currently is to take Nature for granted. Our Mission and Charitable Objectives Public Benefit TreeSisters is a UK registered charity (1149961) and a global social impact initiative focusing specifically on the role that women’s leadership can play in helping to accelerate global reforestation and the shift towards sustainable living for public benefit. It is an organisation exploring how to gather, inspire and empower women to step into their Nature-based feminine leadership as the means by which we bring balance back to the planet and respond collectively to climate change.
Tree sisters has five strategic objectives which are employed to achieve the charity’s aims and
objectives. These are to:
● Build a global network of treesisters who catalyze a movement of ecological restoration
● Inspire and support feminine leadership towards shifting consciousness
● Raise and channel funding into tropical reforestation and protection
● Develop partnerships to accelerate reforestation and deliver on our mission
● Become sector leaders in global reforestation and feminine leadership
Our charitable programs – Reforestation
We currently work with 4 partners in 8 distinct regions across 6 countries including projects:
- Mangrove forests in the river estuaries of north east Madagascar – with Eden projects
- Dry Deciduous forest in Madagascar – with Eden projects
- Improving biodiversity through reforestation in Nepal – with Eden projects
- Forest corridors between the remaining fragments of the Atlantic Rainforests of Brazil – with WEForest
- Cloud forests in the Khasi Hills – with WeForest
- The green cover of Mt Kenya for watershed management of Kenya’s largest water tower – with International Tree Foundation
- Protecting endangered species through reforestation in Cameroon – with International Tree Foundation
- Agricultural lands of Tamil Nadu, Southern India through Agroforestry – with Project GreenHands
The projects we fund reforest around remaining intact forest landscapes, restore soil and water, protect endangered species and support communities.
Benefits of supporting this campaign
TreeSisters is seeking individuals and organisations who want to bring gender, climate change and forest restoration into their philanthropic portfolios. By supporting our campaign You will be growing a movement of women planting tropical trees through our grassroots global membership. Our model is to build a global donor base of many people making small monthly gifts to trees. Through this, environmental restoration becomes “as normal as the air we breathe.” Your gifts will directly enable us to exponentially grow the global membership You will be supporting local communities The eight unique reforestation projects we support protect endangered species, and impact local communities in positive ways including restored water tables, agroforestry, increased livelihood benefits and avoided consequences of desertification.
You will be supporting one of the recognised solutions to reduce atmospheric carbon . Fast growing tropical trees sequester carbon three times faster than temperate trees.
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