
Giving children
the best opportunities

Our Vision

Singing makes your inner life audible – it’s a way of expressing what you can’t speak with words and an expression of your inner feelings and longings that otherwise may not be articulated… – Chloe Goodchild, The Naked Voice

Group of children singing

Our vision is that all children have the opportunity to experience the creative and connecting power of making music. Music helps us access our innermost feelings, unites communities and promotes togetherness, connection and shared experience.

Earthsong Music gives children the chance to discover their unique musical voice through inclusive access to joyful and inspiring music education.

Life has an inside as well as an outside. Playing music is more than recreation; through music children find confidence and happiness unrelated to money or social status. In a world where success is measured by what you can buy, many children feel left out or shut out. Music is inclusive. Music works across culture, across class, across language. It seems to be hard wired into humans. Music is spontaneous, and with some teaching music can enrich children’s lives forever.

Jeanette Winterson, CBE